Replacing the Missing Trees of the North Inner City

Tue, Apr 30, 2024

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The North Inner City has made huge improvements in greening recently - between the NEIC Greening Strategy and the Stoneybatter Greening Strategy. Both of these are great projects and have been hugely successful overall in transforming some of the greyest streets in the city to places where nature and beauty is thriving.

Replacing the Missing Trees of the North Inner City

However, during the course of the greening strategies, we have also unfortunately lost a lot of trees - whether to disease, criminal damage or weather events. I have done my best to map the trees we have lost in the past few years in the North Inner City and am working with the parks office to ensure they are replaced wherever possible. Thanks to so many people who have contacted me to make me aware of them.

Below are the trees I have listed and the explanations I have received from the Council where I have them about what will happen next:

26 trees came down along West Road in East Wall. A strategy for greening the street and the rest of East Wall is coming together soon but it is unlikely the trees will be replaced in full unfortunately because it would compromise the width of the footpaths too much.

There is a stump on Muckross Parade in Phibsboro which will be removed.

There are 2 stumps along Clonliffe Avenue and some of the other newer trees seem to be in a delicate state having had a few knocks from cars parking on the footpath.

A few have come down along Belvedere Road over the last few years which is a road that sustains a lot of traffic and would benefit a lot from the trees. Unfortunately the Council have said it isn’t possible to replace these due to underground services and cabling.

There is a London Plane (possibly 2) missing opposite O’Connell Boys school on the NCR -these have been scheduled for replacement.

Another came down along St Mary’s Road in East Wall last year and will also be replaced.

On Kirwan Street several trees came down and have been listed to be replaced with a different species as the current prunus was causing damage to the footpaths.

The missing tree on May Lane is also due to be replaced.

There is a stump along Clonmore Terrace.

Susanville Road:

A row of trees along Aughrim Street seem to be missing - the one beside the bus stop apparently was hit by a bus and came down as a result.

On Ballybough Road, outside the Daybreak and by Henry’s Tackle Shop, there were several trees here before construction began on the housing project a few years ago. New greening plans are coming together for this space as part of the NEIC greening strategy.

A tree was felled and not replaced in Ballybough Court on King’s Avenue.

A stunning cherry blossom on Buckingham Street seems to have been illegally removed as neither the Council nor the AHB of Killarney Court approved its removal.

A large one in Griffith Park on the West side of the Tolka is missing.

A very mature on in Mountjoy Square has also been reduced to a stump.

There were due to be 8 trees planted on Poplar Row in the grounds of Kathleen Clarke Place. Only 2 appeared when the building was completed. 1 of them is in a poor state and the other was destroyed at some stage.

Finally, a London Plane was recently removed in Drumalee, after been extensively damaged by a fire and will hopefully be replaced.

You can read more about my work on this here:

And if you know of any other trees that are missing around the North Inner City, please do let me know! It’s important that we work together to protect the beautiful natural heritage of the area!