Register to vote in the General Election

Wed, Jan 1, 2020

Read in 2 minutes

Turnout in the 2016 General Election was 52.4% in Dublin Central (65.1% nationally). In effect, just half of the voters in Dublin Central decide who represents Dublin Central in Dáil Éireann. If you are not registered or have recently changed address fill out the form below we will get the required forms and instructions to enable you to cast your vote in Dublin Central in the next General Election. Obviously, if you want Green, we would encourage you to vote Green. How you vote however is up to you.

Register to vote in the General Election

When is the next election?

The next election will be the General Election. This has to happen before 12th April 2021. Various dates in the first half of 2020 have been suggested and this seems the most likely timeframe.

Local (Dublin City Council) and European elections were held in May 2019. MEPs and Councillors hold office for five years so these elections will occur next in 2024.

Who can vote in the General Election?

Irish and British citizens resident in Ireland can be added to the Register of Electors. Being on the register will allow you to vote in the General Election election.

How do I get on the Register of Electors?

The register is compiled in November. After November you can apply to be added to the Supplement to the Register of Electors which will allow you to vote.

If you have a verified MyGovID account you can register or edit your details on

If you would prefer to register with paper forms you must complete an “Application for inclusion in the Supplement to the Register of Electors”. This form must be signed in the presence of a member of the Garda Síochána from the applicant’s local Garda Station. The Garda may require photographic identification (e.g. passport, driving licence etc.).

If you don’t have access to a printer fill out this form and we will get the forms to you.

How to I change my address if I’m already registered

If you’re already registered (regardless of whether you are registered in Dublin Central or elsewhere) and have changed address since you registered you can apply to change your address or fill out the above form and we will get the forms to you.

How do I know if I am in Dublin Central?

This is the map of the Dublin Central General election constituency. It broadly comprises the local election areas of Cabra-Glasnevin and Dublin North Inner City (with a bit of Clontarf LEA)

How do I vote?

Irish elections are based on proportional representation with a single transferable vote. In effect you rank the candidates in order of preference. If your candidate is eliminated or has a surplus of votes above the quota your vote will move to the next candidate on your list. As such it is wise to vote all the way down the ballot as explained in more detail here.